Soe Hok Gie : When Diary Becoming The Only Witness of Life

I'm currently reading Soe Hok Gie : Catatan Seorang Demonstran. It is basically a diary. At first, i found it difficult to understand it, since he (Soe Hok Gie) wrote it in his own way, including the use of every mark. Like dots, commas, and that kind of stuffs. So, i have to admit, i kind of confused when the first time i read it. But now, i could follow it better.

One thing that i found it interesting is that the power of a diary. I've once wrote diary, not once, i think many times. I wrote everything in it. My dreams, desires, happiness, sadness, and those kind of stuffs. Boys, teachers, everything. But then, i stop to write diaries. Now, i wrote yearly article. An article that speak about every single miracles that i experienced in the whole year.

If my yearly article on 2002,2003 and 2004 i wrote it at the end of each year, my yearly article for 2005 i wrote it when i have the urge to write it down because i found it very special.

What Soe Hok Gie had written is basically inspiring me as reader. Why ? Because i suddenly realize, that the only witness of our life, besides ourselves and God, is a diary.

Diaries witnessing every single activities, every laughter and tears, every courage and fears. Everything. A diary becoming a friend. Most of the time, especially for girls maybe, a diary contains dry tears.

I couldn't express how i value this book. How he critize lots of people, and how he try to express his feelings about something. For instance, how he try to express the idealism of pers. How media shouldn't mention promises. For instance, he wrote this :

... kita dininabobokkan bahwa produksi padi naik, produksi kain maju, gerombolan dikalahkan dan seterusnya dan seterusnya. Tetapi rakyat akan bertanya : Mengapa beras mahal, ini mahal dan lain-lain. Buat apa kita menggambarkan bila gambaran tak sesuai dengan kenyataan ? ...

the media will say that the rice field production increasing, textile is developing, bad people are defeated and so on and so on. But then, people will ask : why does rice is expensive, this is expensive, etc. Why do we describing things that is not fit in to reality ? (Hope someone could translate it better than i do)

hehheheh ... i haven't read about his writing at those times. But now i've got the picture about his writings. Especially that after he died, there are lots of people in the villages, really miss him a lot. Because what he wrote, touched people and change people's set of mind, a better piece of mind.

And another thing, a diary describe its writer. So who you are, your diary knows you better. I guess, so does every blog. It describes its writers.

PS : i guess you know what kind of person i am huh ? Since you guys read my blog :D

ime' ...


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